Sunday, September 6, 2015

Stepback For A While

In my opinion the real tragedy of life is that everyone has the ability to think, but few take advantage of it. People are in such a rush nowadays that there is no time to think, and when we do take time to think, it’s usually not very constructive. We think about the game, what was said about someone else, whether it’s true or not, we overthink, we daydream and think about what we should have done, but when it comes to things that really matter, some of us are often clueless.

I realize not everyone is clueless; some think things through very well. Still, I am amazed by the amount of people who fly by the seat of their pants and hope for the best. Life is hard; it can knock us to the ground and make us yell “uncle.” No, life is not a game, it is not a popularity contest, it is not like Dota where we can get a blunder and give another try next match, we only get one shot at life. Now, we will make mistakes, no one on Earth today is perfect, but we should take our time to develop a general idea of where we want to go.

I’ve been out of school for 10 years now, but I can still remember what it was like to think about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Everyone was so excited to get out of high school and go off to college. I tried to figure out what I would want to do with my life. I knew I wanted to further my education, but I didn’t know what I truly wanted to do for a living. I was told by my parents that I wasn’t going to college if I didn’t know why I was going. Some parents want their kid to go to college because they believe it will give them a better opportunity at a good-paying job. My parents, on the other hand, didn’t believe that; they know people with college degrees who work day labor jobs, and it would have been a big waste of money.

I always believed that going to college automatically made someone successful, and they would have a better life overall. I didn’t go the fall after my senior year of high school. I would continuously think about careers I might enjoy or thought would be fun. Writing would come up every now and again and I would tinker with the idea, but I know very few people make it in the writing world and I was very poor at phonics. I thought about becoming a lawyer, but my speech is not good enough, the same thing with being a minister. I could go into computers, but computer people are a dime a dozen. Every occupation I thought of, there always seemed to be something that was holding me back.

Sometimes I would have people tell me that I needed to stop goofing off and make something of myself; that would really sting me. I felt like I was doing my best, and my best was obviously not good enough. I heard things such as: “You are smart. Why don’t you go to college?” and “You are in your mid twenties; it is time to make something out of yourself.” I had to take my time, not listen to all the noise, and find out what God wants out of my life. Every time I would try to seek God’s will for me, it always came down to writing. It wasn’t until I stepped back that I realized my true calling in life at this time is to write.

Life is not a game. I don’t know what people think it is, but it’s no game. I am amazed by how many people don’t take their time to think, talk, experiment and analyze things. They just forge ahead without any plans and hope they are successful. This is not how to live one’s life, just by rolling the dice and seeing what comes up. I realize sometimes we don’t know how something is going to work until we take action, but action without some planning is carelessness.

It takes time to know what we want out of life. People may tell someone, “You are 28 years old. You need to know what you want to do.” I think people should be thinking about it, but they shouldn’t be forced into anything. When we try to pressure people into making something out of themselves, they shut down and nothing gets accomplished. Instead, work with them, try to come up with ideas. This will encourage them instead of discourage them.

Maybe we are already in the midst of doing something and it just is not going our way. Take a step back and give ourselves time to think about what we need to do. Don’t be in such a rush where we can get ourselves into trouble. There is no telling how long this might take, it could be a day or five years, but in the end it will be worth the wait. The goal is not to be done quickly; the goal is to get it done the best we know how.

Don’t rush into anything. Instead, take a step back and think.
